Shape and Surface with Joan Bruneau June 1 and June 2, from 10:00am – 4:00pm

 Join Joan Bruneau in this two day demonstration as she demystifies her innovative methods for constructing pottery forms from wheel-thrown parts and moulds. Joan will share her strategies and tips for surface design as she decorates her shapes on day two.

You are invited to join either one of the two days or both days of this demonstration workshop. Included with this workshop is a slide presentation on Friday evening from 7pm-8pm at LOAM. There will be drinks and a chance to meet Joan and the other participants.

Day One ‘Shape’: Saturday June 1st, 10:00am-4:00pm – $175

Joan will demonstrate the following techniques as she builds a pitcher, flower brick, cake stand, salad boat and butter dish: Coil throwing, pulled hollow handles, altering rims, constructing lids and building forms using moulds and thrown parts.

Day Two ‘Surface’: Sunday June 2nd, 10:00am-4:00pm – $175

Joan will complete the shapes made in day one and demonstrate pattern design using stencils and pouncing followed by sgraffito decoration and underglaze application.

Both Days ‘Shape & Surface’: Saturday & Sunday June 1st & 2nd, 10:00am-4:00pm. – $300

Please bring a packed lunch.

Joan Bruneau

Joan Bruneau maintains her studio/showroom, Nova Terra Cotta in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada and has been a part-time Ceramics Faculty at NSCAD University since 1995. She has taught in the Distance Ceramics Diploma Programs at the Australia National University and the Glasgow School of Art. She earned her BFA from NSCAD University in 1988, and MFA from the University of Minnesota in 1993.

Joan teaches workshops across North America and was a Demonstrating Artist at NCECA in Pittsburgh, 2018.

Joan’s work is exhibited throughout North America and is in recognized private and public collections . Bruneau’s work is also published in current Ceramics publications such as the 2018 NCECA ; ” The Virtue Of Necessity”,

2014 April Ceramics Monthly Feature Article “Idyllic Place: The Work Of Joan Bruneau” by Andrea Marquis.

Mastering The Potters Wheel  by Ben Carter, 100 Cups: The Clay Studio     by The Clay Studio, Jars, Vases, Boxes, and Baskets Ceramic Arts Handbook by the American Ceramics Society

Hear Joan in the following podcast interviews, 2016 Episode #294:  Potter’s Cast Podcast Interview with Paul Blais and 2015 Episode #109: Tales of a Red Clay Rambler, with Ben Carter.

See more of Joan Bruneau’s work at